Each student needs to have a Scheduling School and Scheduling Grade in order for the Grade Advancement process to take place, with the exception of students in the district’s highest grade level who are moving on. This lesson covers establishing Feeder Patterns.
Where to Start
- Go to District.
- Select Schools.
- Select Feeder Pattern from the side menu.
- Select the Edit icon next to any existing Feeder Patters to update them.
- Select New to create a new Feeder Pattern.
When accessed at the district level, the screen will identify the School Names, the number of Students within the school, the existence (or lack) of a Feeder Pattern, and the date that the Feeder Pattern was applied.
When accessed at the school level, users can identify the Scheduling Grade and Scheduling School for each Current Grade.
Create and Edit Feeder Patterns
- The Current School Name displays as the school from the menu. To change the choose close the Feeder Pattern menu and change schools via the dropdown.
- For new Feeder Patterns, enter a Feeder Pattern Name.
- Select the Geocodes, if any, that apply to the Feeder Pattern. Selected codes appear on the right.
- For schools that advance same-grade students to different buildings based on home addresses, Feeder Patterns can also include Geocodes (a.k.a. school zones) that have been previously set up in the database. If Geocodes are used when creating Feeder Patterns, a Feeder Pattern will need to be defined for EACH Geocode.
- The Scheduling School defaults to the Current School. Update as needed.
- The Scheduling Grade values default to the next higher grade level.
- Select Save to create the new Feeder Pattern or update an existing one.
Feeder Patterns and Highest Grade Level Students
When creating Feeder Patterns, EVERY grade level needs a Scheduling School and Scheduling Grade selected. For Grade 12 students, the pattern should be: Scheduling School = Current School, Scheduling Grade = Graduation. When the Feeder Pattern is applied, these students’ assigned Scheduling School and Scheduling Grade will be blank.
Districts without Grade 12 should set their highest grade level’s pattern as: Scheduling School = Current School, Scheduling Grade = Current Grade. After applying the Feeder Pattern, use Mass Update Scheduling School to remove the assigned Scheduling School and Scheduling Grade for students in the highest grade level.
Apply Feeder Patterns
From the District level:
- Go to District.
- Select Schools.
- Choose Feeder Pattern from the side menu.
- Check the checkbox to select all Schools, or check the desired Schools.
- By default, Feeder Patterns will apply the assigned Scheduling School/Scheduling Grade pattern
only to students with blank Scheduling Schools and Scheduling Grades. Check Override Scheduling School and Grade to apply the Feeder Patterns to all students. - Select Run to apply the Feeder Patterns.