After a household moves out of the district, the household record should no longer contain active student records. Before a household can be inactivated, ALL students in the household MUST FIRST be transferred from their respective schools.
Inactivate Households
- Go to Registration.
- Select Household.
- To check for households that do not have any active students, select Only Show Households with No (Active) Students. Then select Search. This option returns active households that have either no students or only graduated students. It excludes active household that have only preregistered students.
- Use the checkboxes to select one or more households.
- Select the Inactivate button to make the household inactive. Households can be made inactive only if ALL of the household’s students are not currently enrolled in any school in the district (i.e., never enrolled, or have graduated, or have transferred out of the district).
- Individual households can also be inactivated during an Edit of the household. Uncheck the Active checkbox, click OK to close the confirmation message, then Save the changes.