The Mass Class Assignment tool is an alternative to the automated placement of students via the eSD® Scheduler. The Mass Class Assignment tool can also be used in combination with the Scheduler, if desired. Like the Scheduler, the Mass Class Assignment tool will allow students to be placed in multiple classes associated to the same Minute Block period, since Minute Blocks do not have defined Start/End Times. The Mass Class Assignment tool can also be used for Pre-School and/or Pre-K students, if the district runs these programs.
Where to Start
- Go to Scheduling.
- Select Scheduling.
- Mass Class Assignment opens by default.
Select Class
- Select the Scheduling Year.
- The Mass Class Assignment Option is selected by default.
- Select an effective date (As of Date) for the transaction.
- Use other filters as needed, such as Subject Area, and select Search to view Courses.
- To populate the Section list, select a course from the Course list. Select a class section from the Section list and select Add Class.
- Any chosen sections appear in the Add Classes section. Repeat this process until all desired sections have been selected.
- Select Next to continue.
Any Course/Class that appears in blue indicates that there's a Teacher assigned to a Role for that Course/Class. If there is not a Teacher assigned, it will appear in black.
Select Students
- The Incoming Schools selection should be the building in which the students are currently enrolled.
The Class Capacity, Available Seats, Enrolled Students, and You Have Selected counters will automatically update as students are moved to the Selected Students list.
- Select Search to view available students.
- Select students from the Source Students section. As they are added to the Selected Students side.
- After students have been chosen, select Next to continue.
Students appearing in red have already been enrolled in the selected section(s).
Mass Update
- Select Submit to add students to the chosen classes.
- When students have been added, a banner appears at the top of the page.
Users will be notified if the number of available seats has changed between the original selection of classes and submission of request.