A schedule can be built for a single student utilizing a mini scheduling engine. The Walk-In Scheduler defaults to the Schedule tab, which utilizes the Auto Scheduler mini scheduling engine. The tool may be useful in manually schedule students into classes from another building, or replicating an existing schedule of a student already scheduled with a similar requirement. This lesson guides users through using the Walk-In feature for scheduling.
Where to Start
- Go to Student.
- Select Student Profile.
- Filter and Search for students as needed.
- Select the Schedule icon.
Walk-In Scheduler
- From the Schedule tab, select Walk-In.
Under Add to Working Area, enter a Course Number or use the course selection menus to find the desired course, then click Save to add the selected course to Your Working Area. Select Reset to clear the prior selections for a new search.
The Student Schedule section shows the student’s schedule (the classes the student has been scheduled into) for the selected scheduling year. Use this section for reference while working on changing or reshuffling student’s schedules on the Walk-In Scheduler.
Use the Add/Drop button to access the Add/Drop interface to manually add or drop classes from the selected student’s schedule for the selected scheduling year. The Add/Drop interface is also helpful for looking up classes to try to schedule for the student using the Walk-In Scheduler.
The Course Requests section displays the student’s course requests for the selected scheduling year. The Course Requests listed here are the same as those under the Course Requests tab in the Student Portfolio.
Any requests you add or remove from Your Working Area when using the Walk-In Scheduler will not affect the student’s Course Requests listed under the Course Requests section.
This section contains a combination of the student’s Schedule and their Course Requests for the selected scheduling year. Course requests can be added to build a new schedule for a student, reshuffle the student’s schedule, or resolve conflicts.
Classes already on the student’s schedule will have a lock icon next to them, and will list information about the section assigned to the student. Classes outlined in orange are full or beyond their seat capacity. Course Requests that could not be scheduled for the student will have an Edit icon in place of the Lock icon.
Click the View icon to view available classes. Click the Edit icon to change the Priority or add a Request Type. Click the Delete icon to delete a course from the work area.
In Your Working Area, classes are locked by default if they have been assigned to the student’s schedule. Classes can be unlocked in order to reshuffle a student’s schedule or to try to schedule another section of the course. Unlocking classes allows the scheduler more freedom to schedule the student into different sections of a particular course or to get an additional class scheduled for the student.
Click directly on an individual class’ information to unlock it. Click on the class information again to lock the class. Once a class has been unlocked, the Lock icon will be replaced by an Edit icon . Click Lock All / Unlock All to lock/unlock all classes.
Your Working Area can be refreshed by clicking Reload Working Area. This will reload Your Working Area with the classes listed in the Student’s Schedule and Course Requests sections. If changes have been made to Your Working Area (i.e. unlocking classes, editing course requests, adding course requests etc.), these changes will remain until Reload Working Area is clicked.
Auto Schedule
- When you’re ready to send the information in Your Working Area to the scheduler to schedule the student, click Auto Schedule. The scheduler will view all locked courses (except Study Halls) as scheduled and will not try to schedule the student into another section of the course or schedule an additional class in its place. All unlocked classes will be viewed as Course Requests.
The scheduler will ignore all study hall sections in which the student is currently enrolled, and users will be prompted to generate the new schedule with or without study halls. Select Yes to allow the Walk-In Scheduler to schedule the requests in Your Working Area, and then enroll the student in available study hall sections during the resulting free times. Select No to schedule the requests in Your Working Area only, without adding any study hall sections in the student’ free times.
The scheduler may place students back into unlocked classes if the class enrollment is less than or equal to the max seat cap, but will NOT place students back into unlocked classes if the class enrollment is greater than the max seat cap. In the latter instance, if no other sections of the course will fit into the student’s schedule, eSD® recommends leaving the class locked.
The Walk-In Scheduler uses Sectioner logic, giving it the same power as a complete scheduling run. Like the Sectioner, the Walk-in Scheduler will allow students to be placed in multiple classes associated to the same Minute Block period, since Minute Blocks do not have defined Start/End Times.
Scheduler Results
When the scheduler finishes scheduling the student, the Auto Schedule Results Grid will appear:
The Results Grid shows the scheduling results for each class and course request listed in Your Working Area. The left side of the Results Grid displays the details for each scheduled course (Periods, Semesters, Days, Section, Link Code, Location Code, Staff).
The Period Grid on the right side of the Results Grid indicates when sections of each course are scheduled throughout the school day. A number on the Period Grid indicates that the student was scheduled into the course section that meets that period.
An A on the Period Grid indicates that there is at least one seat available during this period. An F on the Period Grid indicates that all sections of this course are full during this period.
The Reason column indicates why the student could not be scheduled into the course.
Select Preview Schedule to see what the actual schedule would look like.
When all changes are completed, select the As of Date when the changes should be effective, then select Save Schedule to save the results. No changes will be made to the student’s schedule until you Save the Auto Schedule results.
Classes will be added based on the selected date in the As of Date field, and any classes in which a student was previously enrolled will be dropped as of the selected date minus 1 day.
Manual Schedule
- The Manual Schedule tab can be used to manually schedule any classes that are needed from the student’s current school or another scheduling school.
- Select the Expand icons to see the various course selection options. Select the School and desired course selection options.
- Select Get Courses.
- Check the desired Course and select Add to Selected Courses.
- Classes are color coded for easy identification, both on the Period Grid and in the Selected Course List below it. Check the desired class to add it to the schedule, uncheck a class to remove it from the schedule. Schedules can be printed by course or term. Once the schedule is correct, click Save.
The Manual Schedule is useful for those users who are visually oriented, as it displays the schedule at a glance.