This lesson guides users through an Add/Drop of a single course via the student profile.
Where to Start
- Go to Student.
- Select Student Profile.
- Use the filters and Search for students as needed.
- Select the Schedule icon to open the Schedule tab of the Student Profile.
New Class
- Select New Class.
To schedule students into classes in another building, users with Cross-Building Assignments will need to switch to the applicable building BEFORE clicking the New Class button.
- The Class Enrollment Date defaults to today’s date, but can be changed if needed.
- Select the applicable School (permissions based, defaults to student’s current School enrollment).
- Enter the Course Name (part or all) or Course Number in the Class field. Check Exact Match if desired. If Exact Match is checked, only sections that exactly match the entered value will be returned. In the screenshot above, if Exact Match was checked, only the first three sections would be on the list.
- Select Save to add the Class.
Users will be informed if the selected section is full and, depending on their assigned permissions, offered the option to Waitlist the student, Enroll the student, or Cancel to select another section or course.
Select Waitlist to add the student to the waitlist. Enter a comment in the free-text box, then select Save. To NOT add the student to the waitlist, click Cancel. Users need the Add Waitlist permission to add a student to the Waitlist, the Override Waitlist permission to enroll a student who is not first on the waitlist, and the Override Seat Cap permission to enroll a student in a section that is full.
The scheduling conflict message will appear if the user attempts to add a class to a student schedule in a period where a class already exists, based on overlaps in the default bell time.
For users without Conflict Override permission, click OK to close the message and select another class. If the user has Conflict Override permission, click OK to add the class.
Drop Classes
- Check the box next to the class(es) to be dropped.
- Select Drop Class to open the Drop Class window.
- The Drop Date will default to yesterday’s date, but can be changed to another date if needed.
- From the Drop Type menu, select Drop Class, Drop/Fail, Drop/Pass or Withdraw:
- Drop Class: Outcome Code is ‘N’ (Not Complete)
- Drop/Fail: Outcome Code is ‘F’ (Fail)
- Drop/Pass: Outcome Code is ‘P’ (Pass)
- Withdraw: Outcome Code is ‘N’ (Not Complete)
- Select Save to complete the change.