The Scheduling sections provide a basic overview of eSchoolData’s scheduling options. A scheduling strategy should be derived from a combination of the techniques outlined in the various Scheduling User Guides. Scheduling Individual Students covers the different ways that an individual student’s schedule can be created and modified.
Setting Student Schedules
There are numerous ways to change a student’s schedule and/or create a new schedule for a student, from Student > Scheduling and from the Schedule tab of the Student Profile. Counselors can Add or Drop a single course, or use the Course Add/Drop Tool to add/drop multiple courses. The Copy Schedule Tool creates a new schedule by copying another student’s schedule, while new schedules are created “from scratch” using either the Walk-In Scheduler or Student > Scheduling. The Class Re-enroll Tool allows users to restore previous student schedules when students transfer out then re-enroll in the district within the same Scheduling Year.
The Class Enrollment Update Tool allows users to edit Class Enrollment Add/Drop dates after-the-fact. Class enrollment records are automatically deleted when dropping a class with a future start date. Class enrollment records are also automatically deleted when dropping a class if the add date and drop date for a section are the same and attendance and grades have not been recorded.
Districts also have the option to use the Waitlist feature when scheduling students, to easily track students whose request for a course cannot be fulfilled because the selected section is at maximum capacity. The Waitlist Report can be viewed by course or by student, and offers a variety of filtering options. The report by course will display the student’s absolute rank on each waitlist. Both report formats will present users with a date and time stamp indicating when the student was added to the list.
Users need the Add Waitlist permission to add students to a Waitlist for course sections without available seats. Once a waitlist has been established for a course, users need the Override Waitlist permission to bypass the waitlist and enroll a student not at the top of the waitlist in ANY section of the course, even if the selected section has seats available