There are multiple avenues for being able to access both teacher and student schedules. This lesson provides the options for accessing student and teacher schedules enmasse, as well as individually.
Staff Schedules
To access an individual teacher's schedule:
- Go to Staff.
- Choose Staff Schedule Report.
- By default, the current school year will be selected.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a teacher.
- Once a selection is made, the teacher’s schedule for the year is displayed. Classes that are currently in session are highlighted based on the current day's bell schedule.
Generate Staff Schedules Enmasse
- Go to Reports.
- Select Scheduling.
- Choose Staff Schedules from the menu.
- Use the Department and Scheduling Year menus to filter the Staff list.
- Use the Size menu to print schedules in standard or pocket-sized format.
- Select staff members using the corresponding checkboxes.
- Select the appropriate Print format button to print the schedules.
Above is the Standard Format print option.
Student Schedules
To access an individual student's schedule:
- Go to Student.
- Select Student Profile.
- Student Profile is selected by default.
- Use the Filters as needed and select Search.
- Select the Schedule icon to access the Schedule tab of the Student Profile.
- Select the minus icon located above the student picture to collapse the student information bar.
- Classes that are currently in session are highlighted based on the current day's bell schedule.
- To view a more concise schedule, choose Today’s Schedule from the profile tabs.
- Today's Schedule appears in a table that also includes the attendance status for each period.
- Users can also hover over the Location icon to see the student's current class in real time, or the Schedule icon to view the entire class schedule for the current day.
Generating Student Schedules Enmasse
- Go to Reports.
- Select Scheduling.
- Choose Student Schedules from the left hand menu.
- Use the radio button to select Matrix View, Matrix View by Date, Grid View, Student Schedules by School, or Standard format.
- Use Filters to narrow the results.
- When printing schedules for just a few students, choose “Selected Students”. Filters selected in this area will be applied to the student selection area at the bottom of the page. When printing schedules for all enrolled students meeting the filter criteria, choose “Enrolled Students”.
- To print only schedules that have been recently changed, enter a Changed Since date.
- Click to expand and select the desired Display Options.
- The As Of date field defaults to ‘tomorrow’ since classes are usually added with a start date of tomorrow.
- To print schedules based on an alternate bell schedule, select the appropriate Bell Time from the dropdown.
- If Print Teacher of Record Staff option is chosen, only Teachers of Record (TOR) flagged "Include on grade reports and schedules" are displayed. If no TOR Roles are flagged, the section's assigned teacher will be printed.
- Search by Staff/Student lists. Select the Staff or Students from the available list. Chosen Staff or Students appear in the right-hand display.
- Select Go to generate the report.
A separate window opens to display the report. The above example is the Matrix View. Select the printer icon at the top right to open the Print dialog box.