The Scheduling Dashboard Widgets fall into three categories: Run Parameters, Run Conflicts, and Run Results. The widget title bars are color-coded: Blue for Run Parameters, Red for Run Conflicts, and Green for Run Results.
Run Parameter Widgets
There are two Run Parameter Widgets: Data in This Run and Scheduler Options at Time of Run:
Data in this Run
Lists the number of Students, Approved Requests, Class Sections, and Resource Sections scheduled in the selected run.
Select each figure to drill down for specifics.
Scheduler Options at Time of Run
Select a tab (Master, Student, Conditional) to view the settings used by the eSchoolData Builder and Sectioner for the selected run. Settings with a * have been updated since the selected run.
Select the Edit button to open the Scheduler Setup Wizard and change the settings for a new run.
Run Conflict Widgets
Current Red Lights
Lists the incomplete scheduling tasks for this run.
Select each row to view and correct the red lights.
Course Seat Availability
Quick Filters: Course Type, Subject, Department, Priority
Displays the percentage of short/available seats. Hover over chart section to see tallies, select to drill down for specifics and to make changes.
Displays singleton courses with potential conflicts. Click a course to drill down for specifics. Click a column header to sort by that column.
Enter part/all of a Course Number in the Search field and click Go to filter the list.
Click the Edit icon to open the Course Details page to make changes.
Room Conflicts
Quick Filters: Room, Semester, Day
Displays tallies of room conflicts for up to 10 periods at a time. Use the Previous , Next buttons to view additional periods.
Hover over a column to view details, click to drill down for specifics.
Click the Launch Page button to open the Room Utilization page to make changes.
Staff Conflicts
Quick Filters: Staff, Semester, Day
Displays tallies of staff conflicts for up to 10 periods at a time. Use the Previous , Next buttons to view additional periods.
Hover over a column to view details, click to drill down for specifics.
Click the Launch Page button to open the Staff Utilization page to make changes.
Run Result Widgets
Lists the tallies and percentages of Fully Scheduled Students, Requests Satisfied, and Total Sections scheduled in this run, with comparison to previous run.
Click each section to drill down and see specifics.
Curve of the School
Displays chart with tallies of assigned/available seats by period.
Hover over a column section to view details, click to drill down for specifics.
Builder Report
Displays chart with tallies of Sections Not Created, Rooms Removed, and Staff Removed in this run. Hover over chart to view details, click to drill down for specifics.
Section Report
Quick Filters: Grade Level, Course Type, Subject, Department, Student Status, Group, Priority
Displays chart with percentages of Requests Satisfied and Requests Rejected. Hover over chart section to view tallies, click to drill down for specifics.
Section Assignment Distribution
Displays a list of courses that have the greatest degree of variance in seat fulfillment across available sections (i.e. Range %).
Click a course to drill down for section specifics and to make changes.
The Range % value (i.e. Section Assignment Range) is determined by the below calculations (see side note example):
- Section Assignment Percentage (per section) = Assigned Seats/Max Seats
- Section Assignment Range (per course) = largest Section Assignment Percentage – smallest Section Assignment Percentage
Student Free Times
Quick Filters: Semester, Day
Displays chart of students with free time by period, for up to 10 periods at a time. Use the Previous , Next buttons to view additional periods.
Hover over column to display Time Equivalency by Day Code and student tallies, click to drill down for specifics.