The Scheduler Setup Wizard allows users to customize the settings used by the scheduling engine. It consists of three tabs: Master Schedule Options, Student Schedule Options, and Conditional Period Range. This document reviews the options in each section.
Where to Start
- Go to Scheduling.
- Choose Scheduling.
- Select Scheduler Setup Wizard.
Master Schedule Options
- Teacher:
Assign teachers to classes: When this option is set to Yes the builder will attempt to assign defined staff members to the applicable resource classes and attempt to assign available staff to resource classes that are missing teacher assignments.
Allow teacher free time override: When this option is set to Yes teacher free times set to Selectable can be overridden by the builder. The builder will not be able to override teacher free times set to Fixed, regardless of the setting chosen for this field.
Assign Teachers by department: When this option is set to Yes, the builder will match the department of available staff members with the department of resource classes that are missing teacher assignments. If this option is set to No, the builder will randomly assign available staff members to resource classes, unless staff courses are created.
Allow classes without teachers: When this option is set to No the builder will not place resource classes in the master schedule unless a staff member is available for assignment.
Maximum consecutive periods per day: Select the maximum number of consecutive periods that available staff members can be assigned to classes.
- Rooms:
Assign rooms to classes: When this option is set to Yes the builder will attempt to assign defined rooms to the applicable resource classes and attempt to assign available rooms to resource classes that are missing room assignments.
Allow rooms free time override: When this option is set to Yes room free times set to Selectable can be overridden by the builder. The builder will not be able to override room free times set to Fixed, regardless of the setting chosen for this field.
Assign rooms by department: When this option is set to Yes, the builder will match the department of available rooms with the department of resource classes that are missing room assignments. If this option is set to No, the builder will randomly assign resource classes to available rooms, unless room syllabi are created.
Allow classes without rooms: When this option is set to No the builder will not place resource classes in the master schedule unless a room is available for assignment.
- Select Next to continue.
Student Schedule Options
Gender restrictions can be lifted: When this option is set to Yes gender restrictions set to Selectable can be overridden. Gender restrictions set to Fixed will not be overridden, regardless of the setting chosen for this field.
Grade restrictions can be lifted: When this option is set to Yes grade restrictions set to Selectable can be overridden. Grade restrictions set to Fixed will not be overridden, regardless of the setting chosen for this field.
Loc. can be lifted: When this option is set to Yes location restrictions set to Selectable can be overridden by the builder. Location restrictions set to Fixed will not be overridden, regardless of the setting chosen for this field.
Course balancing by gender: When this option is set to Yes, the scheduling engine will attempt to evenly distribute students by gender across each course section.
Course balancing by ethnicity: When this option is set to Yes, the scheduling engine will attempt to evenly distribute students by ethnicity across each course section.
Course balancing by special needs status: When this option is set to Yes, the scheduling engine will attempt to evenly distribute students tagged with a special needs (SN) student status or special education status across each course section. Only those statuses which are flagged as Special Needs (System > Codes) will be considered.
Seat balancing intensity: When this option is set to High, the scheduling engine will attempt to evenly distribute students across course sections.
Seat loading factor: Select the percentage of the maximum seats value to which the scheduling engine should attempt to fill each section. By default, the seat loading factor will be set to 100%. If the seat loading factor was changed to 200%, the scheduling engine would treat a section with 20 seats maximum as a section with 40 seats. Similarly, if the seat cap was set to 110%, the scheduling engine would schedule up to 22 students in a section that had a seat cap of 20.
Alternates can be scheduled: When this option is set to Yes, the scheduling engine will attempt to schedule the student in alternate course requests when the primary request cannot be fulfilled.
Partial schedule can be retained: When this option is set to No, the scheduling engine will not place students into sections unless all course requests for the student can be satisfied.
Minutes in reject phase per student: 10 minutes represents the longest period of time the scheduling algorithm will spend trying to resolve individual scheduling conflicts.
Attempts to schedule period conflict: Enter the number of attempts (between 10 and 99999) to resolve a period conflict during a scheduling run (defaults to 99999). A larger value will result in greater processing times, but improved results for more complicated schedules.
- Select Next to save selections and continue.
Conditional Period Range
- The Conditional Period Range tab is used to define the Default Period range which, in turn, determines periods available for students to be scheduled into. Periods outside the regular school day which are reserved for after-school activities and sports should not be included in the Default Period range.
- When finished defining Conditional Period ranges, select Next to save your settings.