Mass Course Requests allows users to create Course Requests for students en masse. This allows requests to be submitted quickly for groups of students. This lesson guides users through submitting Mass Course Requests.
Required Permissions: Module Level: Scheduling > Course Requests
Where to Start
- Go to Scheduling.
- Select Requests.
- Mass Course Requests opens by default.
Select Courses
- Update the Scheduling Year if needed. When a future year is chosen, the interface is outlined in red.
- Choose a Subject Area from the drop down menu and enter a Course Number, or select a Course Group.
- Select Search to view results.
- Courses that fit the filtered criteria appear as Available Courses. Double click on a Course to make select it, or select the All buttons to move all courses to Available or Selected respectively.
- Courses chosen from Available Courses appear under Selected Courses.
- Select Next to move to the next tab.
Within each Priority, the sort order of the Course Requests (and the number of sections of each course) determines the order in which the Sectioner fills the requests: first are requests for Singletons (courses with 1 section only), then requests for Doubletons (courses with 2 sections only), then all remaining course requests in their sort order. All course requests with a Priority: Required are filled first (Singletons, then Doubletons, then the remaining Required course requests in their sort order), followed by all Elective courses (in the same order), then all Optional courses (in the same order).
Select Students
- Use the filters to narrow down students.
- Double click students under Available Students to move them to the Selected Students section. Or select the All buttons to move all courses to Available or Selected respectively.
- Alternately, on the Select Students tab, click Upload Students to import a list of students to the Selected Students list. The upload file must be a CSV file, where column A contains ID Numbers of the desired students.
- Select Next to continue to the next tab.
If users selected a Course Group on the Select Courses tab, the Selected Students list will populate with any students who already have a request for AT LEAST ONE of the courses in that Course Group.
Mass Update
- Select Remove existing duplicate requests to add/replace requests for the selected courses. Course requests that do not currently exist in the student’s record will be added. Prior requests for the selected courses will be removed (along with any associated alternate course requests) and replaced with new requests for the selected courses.
- Select Delete selected course requests to delete the selected course requests (and any associated alternate course requests) for the selected students.
- Users can set the Priority of the added/replaced course requests (for the selected students only) to required (R), elective (E), or optional (O), using the radio buttons located to the right of each course request.
- Select Submit to submit the course requests (replacements/additions or deletions) for the selected students.
Remove existing duplicate requests removes ONLY prior course requests that match the selected courses, along with any alternate course requests associated to the prior course request. Course requests that do not match the selected courses are NOT affected.