It is best practice to verify school information (including BEDS codes and supported grade levels) annually before beginning the scheduling process. In addition, all schools that students can be scheduled into should be selected under the Scheduling Schools field on the school’s information page. The Central Office building is a system-generated page that cannot be edited.
Required Permissions: Module: District > Schools > School Information
Where to Start
- Go to District.
- Select Schools.
- School Information opens by default.
General Information
Select the Edit button in the General section to make changes to those fields. The available fields are listed below:
- School Name - Maximum 50 characters
- School Code - Must be unique for each building, allows import of third-party data via GURU
- School Abbreviation
- BEDS ID - More than one school can share the same BEDS ID to facilitate the local transfer reason (TDP) Transfer to a Different Program within the Same Building
- Loc. - More than one school can share the same Location to facilitate the local transfer reason (TDP) Transfer to a Different Program within the Same Building
- BOCES District ID
- BOCES School ID
- School Type
- Accreditation
- Street Number
- Street Name
- City
- State
- Zip
- County
- Phone
- Fax
- Start Time
- End Time
- Date Established
- Date Closed
- Grades - Allows user to add additional grade levels to the building. Grade levels that have previously been assigned to this building are unable to be deleted from the building information. Contact Support if grade levels need to be removed.
- Contact Name
- Support Email - Identifies the sender email address when Attendance Reports to Home Schools are emailed (typically used by BOCES districts). This should be updated to the applicable email address.
- Contact Role
- Scheduling Schools - The school being updated in School Information must always be included on the Scheduling Schools list.
School Settings
Select Edit in School Settings to make changes to those fields. The available fields are listed below:
- Multiple Meeting Times - Affects how Attendance Totals are reported for Report Cards, Progress Reports, Attendance Jobs, and the Excessive Class Absence report. For more information, please review Multiple Meeting Times and Attendance Totals [hyperlink to related article].
- Special Needs Student Weight - Districts can assign a weight to disabled students to prevent classes from being overfilled by the scheduler based on their district-specific policies. Alternately, some districts prefer to monitor these enrollments by total count, in which case, the Special Needs Student Weight field does not need to be used. Refer to Master Scheduling Support for Inclusion Classes for more information.
- Boces Portal - Specifically designed for a district RIC (Regional Information Center) - Board of Co-operative Services which provides special services, including but not limited to vocational training, Career and Tech programs etc.
- Attendance Backdate - Number of days (1-60) teachers are allowed to backdate in Teacher Connect and enter attendance. If the field is left blank, the teacher is unable to backdate.
- Default Attendance Status to Blank
- Allow Teachers to Update Room - Allow the teacher to update their own room in Teacher Connect
- Allow Teachers to Update Student’s Room - Allow the teacher to update the student’s room in Teacher Connect