eSchoolData provides visual exposure to three separate interfaces which comprise the eSchoolData system. Each interface is geared toward specific job functions within an organization. eSD GURU is both an analytics tool that presents real time data in meaningful ways to help drive instruction and policy. In addition, it is a dataflow automation tool that can share information with authorized third-party products.
Required Permissions: Module > Special Permissions > GURU Admin
To learn more about the Teacher Connect Interface Navigation, click here.
To learn more about the Main Interface Navigation, click here.
Video Walkthrough
Where to Start
- Enter a Username and Password. The login for Guru matches the login for the main eSD application.
- Select Launch my GURUBoard.
The Reset Password notification may be displayed if the district is enforcing a password reset upon first login or if the user’s password has previously expired or will expire today.
GURU can also be accessed via the eSchoolData application. If logged in to eSD, select the Guruboard icon to access GURU.
Navigation Overview
Upon login, GURU may default to the Dashboard menu, depending on the district’s subscription level. The GURU screen has a top Title Bar and a side Navigation Pane.
- Use the dropdown to update the School Site or the Search bar to search for a specific student, course, etc.
- Select the username at the top right to open the User Menu.
- Use the left navigation to access different tools within GURU.
- The name of a select GURUboard displays in the title bar. Select the menu to change to a different board.
- Use the tools to update the chosen GURUboard as needed.
User Menu
- Select Preferences to open different options for the display of GURU.
Fixed menu and Collapsed menu control the actions of the Side Menu, which is visible only for users who have the GURU Admin permission
Fixed Menu keeps the side Menu visible as the user scrolls down the page
Collapsed Menu presents the side menu collapsed by default when the user logs in
- Click Reset Password from the User menu. The Reset Password screen displays the Password Requirements (in red). Enter your Current Password and your New Password. As each Password Requirement is met, it will disappear from the page. Once done, click Reset Password. The user will be redirected to the Login page to login using the new password.
- Select Logout to return to the login screen of GURU.