The closeout process is designed to “wrap up” the attendance information for a given day. The closeout process examines the period attendance records for each student for the day, and applies an overall daily attendance status for a student. This process occurs automatically each evening based upon the parameters set up on the Attendance Close Out Default screen and can be run manually during the day.
Closeout defaults must be identified for each school building, grade level, and day code. Either a percentage or a default period should be indicated - this will determine a student’s Daily Attendance status.
When a student’s Daily Attendance Status is updated to Absent based on the results of a close-out, attendance for sections associated with Minute Block periods are also updated to Absent.
Closeout will not run unless a new closeout default is created at the beginning of each school year (in September). Additionally, the closeout default cannot be edited. A new one can be created and will overwrite the previous closeout.
Required Permissions:
- Menu Level: Student
- Module Level: Attendance - Attendance Closeout Defaults (Add, Edit, View, Delete, Run Today, Run Past Date)
Where to Start
- Select Student.
- Select Attendance.
- Select Attendance Closeout Defaults.
- Choose a school from the dropdown menu.
- Select a date in the Default Applicable From field.
- Select Search.
Apply Period Attendance Closeout Defaults
- Select a period from the drop-down menu.
- Under the Apply Period Default column, select the appropriate checkbox.
- Use For Other Periods to make the attendance in the selected period apply to other periods.
- Use For Daily to make the attendance in the selected period apply to the Daily.
Use the fill-down header rows to update all options at once, if desired. Fill-down header rows exist for Period, For Other Period, For Daily, and Present > = %.
- Select Save when finished.
Students’ Attendance Status from a designated period is applied to their Daily Attendance Status. This applies to situations in which a homeroom period is used to determine the daily attendance for students.
Example: an Elementary School has a one-period schedule (full school day = 1 Period) or a Period 1 Homeroom class. Teachers enter attendance after the arrival of students in the morning. The school would use a Period Attendance Closeout Default to determine students’ Daily Attendance Status, based on their Period 1 attendance.
The Period column is set according to a period rather than time equivalency. This means that schools are able to identify a single period even if it falls within a class that spans multiple periods.
When a “Daily Present” attendance reason is entered for a Tardy/Absent attendance status in a default period, the closeout process will update the Daily Attendance to Present, regardless of the Tardy/Absent attendance status selected for the default period.
Periods defined as Minute Blocks cannot be used for Period Defaults and are omitted from the Period lists.
Percentage Attendance Closeout Defaults
- Enter the Present Percentage Default for each period.
- Select Save when done.
Students’ Attendance Status from a designated percentage of their Period Attendance is applied to their Daily Attendance Status. Percentage Default allows users to define the amount of time a student must be present for his/her scheduled attendance-bearing classes to be considered present for the day.
Example: a High School attendance policy states that a student is considered present for the day if they are present for 50% of their scheduled attendance-bearing classes on a specific day (period attendance). The school would use a Percentage Attendance Closeout Default to determine students’ Daily Attendance, based on the percent of the scheduled classes for which the student was present. If the school operates on a 9-period schedule, a student will have to be marked present for a minimum of 5 periods to receive a Daily Present status for the day.
Only Bell-Time Periods that fall within the defined School Start/End Time Periods are considered when deriving Daily Attendance using a Percentage (%) Attendance Closeout.
When Percentage Default is used, the period attendance reasons entered for a student must match in order to be pushed to the Daily Reason following the closeout process.
Use the fill-down header rows to update all options at once, if desired. Fill-down header rows exist for Period, For Other Period, For Daily, and Present > = % columns.
Manually Running the Closeout
If the daily attendance status needs to be updated before the automated nightly process, select Run Close Out. When the job is complete a success message appears. Closeout can be re-run for any chosen date.
Previous closeout parameters can be viewed by selecting a date from the Closeout Default Dates drop-down menu and selecting Search. This is a view capability only. Previous closeouts cannot be manually re-run for previous dates.
If close-out needs to be run for a range of dates, use the closeout on the Historical Periods Update page (Reports > Attendance).
Populate Present
If students who are present are not showing their present attendance status for a particular date or if a Learning Code is assigned to a student for a previous date, select the date in Close-Out Date by using the Calendar icon. Then, select the Populate Present button.
The Populate Present button does not change any data that has been entered. It is a process that populates the backend tables with the present data that would normally have gotten applied with Learning Code updates on the calendar.
Next Steps
To learn more about the Daily Present status, visit Attendance Reasons Flagged as Daily Present.