Once the attendance letter template has been created, the parameters can be created for an Attendance Job, which defines the criteria a student must meet before correspondence will be generated regarding them. Users can View, Edit, or Delete existing attendance jobs.
Users cannot delete an Attendance Job when a Letter Log entry has been generated as a result of the Attendance Job. These Attendance Jobs will display a grey Delete icon.
Required Permissions:
- Menu Level: System
- Module Level: Attendance - Attendance Jobs (Add, Edit, View, Delete, Run)
Where to Start
- Select System.
- Select Attendance.
- Select Attendance Jobs.
- Select New to create an attendance job.
New Attendance Job
- Enter all relevant information to create a new attendance job (see below for field descriptions).
- Job Name (expandable section) - Create a label for the letter job.
- Select School (expandable section) - Indicate the school in which the job will create letters.
- Letter Name (expandable section) - Indicate the letter template to be used.
- Date Range (expandable section) - The date range that is generally used is from the September start date to the June end date of a specific school year. In some instances a school may wish to generate letters by specific marking period /semester and choose to enter the date range relating to that specific event.
- Attendance Options (expandable section) - Letters can be generated for daily and/or period absences/tardies. If Period is selected, select the checkboxes for the class periods that will be included within the new attendance job.
- Consecutive Days (expandable section) - Letters can be generated for consecutive day absences/tardies when the letter job is set up for the Daily Attendance Option.
- Include Status (expandable section) - Letters can be generated with a status of Absent and/or Tardy.
- Exclude Reasons (expandable section) - Select reasons that will not be counted towards a letter. “Daily Present” reasons will not be excluded from the counter unless they are selected from this field.
- Language Option (expandable section) - Select to display the household language on the attendance letter, if the language is not English.
- Reset Counter (expandable section) - Reset counter will reset the student’s attendance status tally once a letter is generated. This field is typically left unchecked.
- Occurrences (expandable section) - Enter the number of occurrences that will generate a letter for specific course types (such as for half year, quarter year, PE, or full-year courses etc.). The ability to enter a different occurrence for specific course types enables the letter to comply with a district’s attendance policy. All occurrences must be created in ascending order (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4).
- Select Grades (expandable section) - Choose the grade levels to include in the attendance letter job run. If no grade level is chosen, the letter will run for all grades by default.
- Report to Home Schools (expandable section) - If this option is selected, the job will create Attendance Reports grouped by students’ Home Schools instead of Attendance Letters. These Attendance Reports to Home Schools are emailed to the Home Schools.
- Attendance Reports to Home Schools use the Support Email on the School Information page (District > Schools > School Information) as the email sender. See the School Setup help documentation for more information.
- Attendance Reports to Home Schools also require a contact name and contact email for each home school (System > Registration > Setup Registration, Search Type: Home School). See the Registration Setup help documentation for more information.
- When all information has been entered, select Submit to save the job.
As part of the End of year Bit Flip process, any of the current year periods associated with any of the attendance jobs will be remapped to the periods in the next scheduling year.
Course types must be set at the course level in order for a letter job to correctly identify relevant student attendance records.
If both Attendance Letters and Attendance Reports should be generated, create two Attendance Jobs with identical parameters, and flag one for Report to Home Schools.
Next Steps
To learn more about Attendance Letters, visit Attendance Letter Templates.