The Attendance Linked Meeting Times feature allows districts to combine attendance counts for Attendance Letter Jobs while maintaining separate courses, such as science and science lab courses. When meeting times are linked, the period attendance is counted together towards the Attendance Letter Jobs, and the Attendance Letter’s Course Class Details include details for all linked meeting times.
Required Permissions:
- Menu Level: System
- Module Level: Attendance > Linked Meeting Times (Add, Edit, View, Delete)
Where to Start
- Select System.
- Select Attendance.
- Select Linked Meeting Times.
Linked Meeting Times
The page automatically displays linked meeting times for the current Scheduling Year.
- To see linked meeting times for a future year, select the desired Scheduling Year and select Search.
- To create a new Meeting Time link, select the New button.
- Enter the Course Number for the desired Parent Meeting Time, then select Search.
- Select the desired Parent Meeting Time checkbox.
- Enter the Course Number of the desired Child Meeting Time and select Search.
- Select the desired Child Meeting Time(s), then select Save.
- To delete an existing Meeting Time link, select the Delete icon.
- To export the list to Excel, select the Excel icon.
Linked Meeting Times require annual setup, and will not link Resource Classes.
If all child links for a parent meeting time are deleted, the parent is automatically removed from the list.
Next Steps
To learn more about attendance letters, visit Generating Attendance Correspondence.