A student’s Daily Attendance Status is determined by a number of factors within Attendance Closeout. Users with the proper permissions can set attendance defaults for the school. Either a percentage or a default period should be indicated - this will determine a student’s Daily Attendance status. This document reviews the Attendance Closeout Defaults and Attendance Closeout Process.
Required Permissions: Menu Level: Student and Multi Tab Controls - Module Level: Attendance and Special Permissions
Where to Start
- Go to Student.
- Select Attendance.
- Select Attendance Closeout Defaults.
Attendance Closeout Process
The Attendance Closeout process derives from a student’s Daily Attendance Status based on rules defined by each school. The Attendance Closeout process will update the Daily Attendance Status (Present, Absent, Tardy), Reason, Note and Verified fields, for all students whose records have not already been entered by a user. The Attendance Closeout process will not override a Daily Attendance Status that was entered by a user.
The Attendance Closeout process runs nightly for the entire district automatically, but can also be run manually at any time. When a student’s Daily Attendance Status is updated to Absent based on the results of a close-out, attendance for sections associated with Minute Block periods are also updated to Absent.
Attendance Closeout Defaults
Attendance Closeout Defaults are set up to reflect school attendance rules. There are two types of Attendance Closeout Defaults: Period and Percentage (%).
Period Attendance Closeout Defaults: The student’s Attendance Status from a specific period is applied to their Daily Attendance Status.
Example: an Elementary School has a one period schedule (full school day = 1 Period) or a Period 1 Homeroom class. Teachers enter attendance after the arrival of students in the morning. The school would use a Period Attendance Closeout Default to determine students’ Daily Attendance Status, based on their Period 1 attendance.
Percentage (%) Attendance Closeout Defaults: Students’ Attendance Status from a designated percentage of their Period Attendance is applied to their Daily Attendance Status.
Example: a High School attendance policy states that a student is considered present for the day if they are present for 50% of the minutes of their scheduled attendance-bearing classes on a specific day (period attendance). The school would use a Percentage Attendance Closeout Default to determine students’ Daily Attendance, based on the percent of the scheduled classes for which the student was present.