SchooLinks empowers districts to meet state-specific compliance, prepare students for success, and connect with industry partners—all in one platform. This lesson provides the Business Rules for the SchooLinks zap.
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Need a refresher on installing a Zap? Visit to Pre-Built Export Zaps learn more.
Business Rules
The zap offers the following options:
- Grade Level filter
- School Type filter
- School filter
This Zap does not do Image exports as GURU currently has no method of doing so.
The Source Year in GURU is applicable to this Zap.
When the Source Year is the current year, the students' current grade level and school will be used and the applicable filters applied to them.
When the Source Year is the next year, the students' scheduling grade level and school will be used and the applicable filters applied to them.
The grade levels that are available in SchooLinks are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. eSchoolData grade levels will be converted as follows:
- Grade levels 1 to 12 are sent as they are.
- Grade levels SUG and UGS are sent as 12
- All other grade levels are sent as 0, including the various K, PK, and PS grade levels and the UG and EUG grade levels
If a school has none of the grade levels that is selected in the Grade Level filter, that school will be left out of the exported files.
Field Name | eSchoolData Business Rules |
school_number | School's School Code |
school_sis_id | School's eSchoolData internal primary key |
school_state_id | School's BEDS Code |
nces_school_id | School's NCES |
ceeb_code | School's CEEB |
name | School's School Name |
short_name | Left blank as there is only one name for schools in eSchoolData |
school_type | Based off school's grade levels. The criteria is checked from top to bottom and the first criteria that is met will be used. 1. If the school has the grade level 12, use "high" 2. If the school has the grade level 8, use "middle" 3. If the school only has any of the K grade levels and has grade level 1 to 5, use "elementary" 4. If the school only has grade levels 6 to 8, use "middle" 5. If the school only has grade levels 9 to 12, use "high" 6. If none of the above criteria is met, use "other" |
low_grade | Lowest grade level assigned to the school as converted per the Grade notes |
high_grade | Highest grade level assigned to the school as converted per the Grade notes |
The Source Year will be applied to this file.
When the Source Year is the current year, the students' current grade level and school will be used and the applicable filters applied to them.
When the Source Year is the next year, the students' scheduling grade and school will be used and the applicable filters applied to them.
The grade levels that are available in SchooLinks are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. eSchoolData grade levels will be converted as follows:
- Grade levels 1 to 12 are sent as they are
- Grade levels SUG and UGS are sent as 12
- All other grade levels are sent as 0, including the various K, PK, and PS grade levels and the UG and EUG grade levels
As emails are required in the SchooLinks file specs, any students that do not have an email assigned will be left out of this file.
Field Name | eSchoolData Business Rules |
student_sis_id | Student's ID Number |
student_number | Left blank |
student_state_id | Student's State ID Number |
first_name | Student's first name |
middle_name | Student's middle name |
last_name | Student's last name |
alternate_first_name | Left blank |
alternate_last_name | Left blank |
alternate_name_type | Left blank |
gender | Student's identified gender code if available or student's gender code |
birthday | Student's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format |
grade_year | Student's current or scheduling grade level converted to SchooLinks's grade levels as noted above |
class_year | Student's projected graduation year. If none is set, predict the graduation year based off the student's grade level from 1 to 12, else set as 9999 |
original_expected_graduation_year | Left blank |
school_sis_id | Student's school's eSchoolData internal primary key |
Student's email | |
initial_password | Left blank |
School Staff
Only staff with any staff type containing the word Counselor, Teacher or Principal will be included.
Only the School and School Type filters will be applicable to this file.
As the staff_id and emails are required in the SchooLinks file specs, any staff that do not have an user account or an "Email Address" in their associated staff record will be left out of this file.
If a staff has cross building assignments, the data pulled will be from their primary user account and its associated staff record regardless of the school and school type filters chosen.
Field Name | eSchoolData Business Rules |
staff_id | Staff's primary user account's user ID if available. If not, the staff's regular user ID |
staff_sis_id | Staff's eSchoolData internal primary key associated to their primary user account if available. If not, their eSchoolData internal primary key associated to their regular user account |
teacher_number | Staff's State ID Number if available. If not, their regular ID Number |
first_name | Staff's first name |
last_name | Staff's last name |
position | Staff's staff types merged into one field separated by hyphens. This field will be truncated to 255 characters. |
role | Left blank |
formal_alias | Staff's salutation |
Staff's "Email Address" associated to their staff record | |
phone_number | Staff's first Work Phone encounted with no hyphens |
access_type | Left blank |
school_number_list | School names merged into one field (temporary, will be fixed for 12.5.1) |
grades | Left blank |
The Source Year will be applied to this file.
When the Source Year is the current year, the students' current grade level and school will be used and the applicable filters applied to them.
When the Source Year is the next year, the students' scheduling grade level and school will be used and the applicable filters applied to them.
Field Name | eSchoolData Business Rules |
student_sis_id | Student's ID number |
staff_sis_id | Student's counselor's eSchoolData internal primary key associated to their primary user account if available. If not, their eSchoolData internal primary key associated to their regular user account |
caseload_name | Counselor's first and last name in the format "FirstName LastName's Caseload", such as "John Smith's Caseload" |
caseload_category | Always "Caseload" |
Student Tags
The Source Year will be applied to this file.
When the Source Year is the current year, the students' current grade level and school will be used and the applicable filters applied to them.
When the Source Year is the next year, the students' scheduling grade level and school will be used and the applicable filters applied to them.
eSchoolData will use this file to indicate any grade level conversion discrepancies between eSchoolData and SchooLinks, specifically eSchoolData grade levels that are not K, K5, or 1 to 12.
Field Name | eSchoolData Business Rules |
student_sis_id | Student's ID Number |
name | Student's original grade level in the format "eSchoolData Grade (Grade)" |
detailed_name | Student's original grade level in the format "eSchoolData Grade (Grade)" |
description | Student's original grade level in the format "Original grade level in eSchoolData is (Grade)" |
is_sensitive | Always 1 |
category | Left blank |