The LinkIt! Zap includes student, staff, roster, attendance, and discipline data so that districts can easily provision accounts and classes within LinkIt!. The Zap can be configured to extract this information on a scheduled basis, ensuring that your data remains synchronized between the two products. This lesson provides the Business Rules for the LinkIt! export Zap.
Before you Begin
Need a refresher on installing a Zap? Visit to Pre-Built Export Zaps learn more.
Business Rules
Student Roster
- The output will be in tab-delimited format with no double quotes and with the header included.
- Filters available are School Type, School, Grade, and Subject.
- Only active students will be included.
- The Source Year from the Zaps pages will be read. When the next year is selected, the student's scheduling school and scheduling grades will be used and next year classes will be included instead.
- Only classes associated to regular courses will be pulled.
- Teachers and co-teachers of the classes' first meeting time will be pulled.
Field | Logic |
School Name | Name of student's current or scheduling school depending on Source Year selected |
School Code | School code of student's current or next year school depending on Source Year selected |
Teacher User Name | Integration ID of the staff record associated to the class's first meeting time |
Teacher User Code | If the staff record or co-teacher record associated to the class's first meeting time has a user account with a cross building assignment, pull the primary user's staff primary key, else pull the first meeting time staff's staff primary key |
District Term Name | First meeting time's semester pattern |
Course Name | Course name of the current or next year class based on the Source Year selected |
Section Number | Section number of the current or next year class based on the Source Year selected |
Course Number | Course number of the current or next year class based on the Source Year selected |
Student Last Name | Student's last name |
Student First Name | Student's first name |
Student Middle Name | Student's middle name |
Student Local ID | Student's ID Number |
Student State ID | Student's state ID number |
Student Gender | First letter of the student's gender |
Student Race | If the student is multiracial, pull "Multiple", else pull the student's race |
Student Grade | Student's current or scheduling school depending on Source Year selected |
Student Meta Data | Multiple values will be merged into this field separated by pipe limiters "|". If a value is not available for a field, a pipe character will still be added after where the value would be. 1. Student's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format 2. Student's household's household address street number, street suffix, street name and apartment number 3. Student's household's household address city 4. Student's household's household address state fully spelled out 5. Student's household's household address zip and zip 4 6. Student's household's household phone number 7. Student's date of entering district in YYYY-MM-DDDD format 8. Student's current school enrollment's start date in YYYY-MM-DDDD format 9. Student's language 10. "Hispanic" if the student's Hispanic flag is on, else "Non-Hispanic" 11. Student's birth country if available 12. If the student's birth country is not United States of America and Puerto Rico and the student has a Date Entered USA available, pull that date in YYYY-MM-DD format Example outputs: 2010-08-23|123 Main Street|Bohemia|New York|55555|631-555-5555|2014-05-21|2021-07-01|English|Non-Hispanic|United States of America| 2010-03-19|111 Lincoln Avenue|Montauk|New York|55555|631-666-6666|2014-04-15|2021-07-01|Spanish|Hispanic|Mexico|2015-12-01 |
SISID | Left blank |
Period | Left blank |
LinkIT Use Only | Student's email in the following format: <linkit_properties><version>1</version><student_email></student_email></linkit_properties> |
Student Pgm 1 | Output "FRL Free" if student has one of the following current meal statuses: 1. NY: Code 5817 2. PA: Codes 1 or 5817 |
Student Pgm 2 | Output "FRL Reduced" if student has one of the following current meal statuses: 1. NY: Code 5806 2. PA: Code 2 |
Student Pgm 3 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 0231 (ELL Eligible), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 4 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 8262 (Homeless Student Status), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 5 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 8272 (Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 6 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 8240 (ELL Partial (Eligible students not receiving the required units of study)), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 7 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 5709 (English as a New Language), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 8 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 5676 (Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Program), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 9 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 990 (PK Program(990)), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 10 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code SE (Special Education) or any currently active state reportable student status in the category Special Education that is not code 0264, output "SWD", else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 11 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 0264 (504 Plan in place), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 12 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 0858 (Title I - Other Instructional Services (0858)), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 13 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 0286 (Title I - Part A: Improving Basic Programs), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 14 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 0880 (Title I - Supporting Guidance/Advocacy (0880)), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 15 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 5754 (Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) supported with IDEA funds), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 16 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 0891 (Title I - Other Support Services (0891)), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 17 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 0411 (Title I - Part A: Improving Basic Programs School-wide Program), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 18 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 5764 (Title I - Part B: Reading First), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 19 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 0892 (Title I- Part A: Homeless Student Serviced with Set-Aside Funds), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Student Pgm 20 | NY: If the student has a currently active student status code 8327 (Title I - Part D: Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected), pull the status's name, else leave blank PA: Always blank |
Staff Roster
- The output will be in tab-delimited format with no double quotes and with the header included.
- Only the School Type and School filters are applicable to this output.
- Only building-level staff will be included.
Field | Logic |
ROLE | 1. Output "District Admin" if the staff has one of the following staff types: Assistant Superintendent Athletic Director Director Instructional Director of Technology Director of Pupil/Personnel Superintendent 2. Output "School Admin" if the staff does not have any of the staff types in point #1 and has one of the following staff types: Administrator Assistant Principal Dean Director Principal 3. Output "Teacher" if the staff does not have any of the staff types in points #1 and #2 and has one of the following staff types: AIS Teacher ELL Teacher Enrichment Teacher Teacher Nurse Teacher Teacher Assistant Substitute Teacher 4. Output "Other" if the staff does not have any of the staff types in points #1, #2 and #3 |
School Name | Staff's school name |
School Code | School code of the staff's school |
Last Name | Staff's last name |
First Name | Staff's first name |
User Name | Staff's integration ID |
User Code | If the staff is associated to an account with cross-building assignments, pull the primary key of the staff record linked to the primary user, else pull the primary key of the base staff record |
Teacher State Code | Staff's state ID number |
Phone | Staff's first entered phone number |
Staff's email address from their staff record |
- The output will be in tab-delimited format with no double quotes and with the header included.
- Filters available are School Type, School, Grade, and Subject.
- Only active students will be included.
- Classes pulled will be dependent on the Source Year selected.
- Records for each of the student's class's marking period grade and final course grade will be pulled. Standards-based report card grades will not be pulled.
Field | Logic |
School Year | Source Year in YYYY-YYYY format |
School Term | If the record is for a marking period grade, pull the name of the marking period. If the record is for the final course grade, output "FY" |
School Name | The course's school name |
School Code | The school code of the course's school |
Last Name | Student's last name |
First Name | Student's first name |
Student Local ID | Student's ID number |
Student State ID | Student's state ID number |
Grade Level | Student's current or scheduling grade depending on Source Year selected |
District Term Name | The class's semester pattern |
Course ID | Course number |
Course Name | Course name |
Course Section ID | Class's section number |
Subject | Course's subject |
Teacher ID | If the staff record or co-teacher record associated to the class's first meeting time has a user account with a cross building assignment, pull the primary user's staff primary key, else pull the first meeting time staff's staff primary key |
Teacher Last Name | Teacher's last name |
Teacher First Name | Teacher's first name |
Numeric Grade | Pull the marking period grade or final course grade here if the grade is numeric. Override grades will be pulled if available. |
Letter Grade | Pull the marking period grade or final course grade here if the grade is alphanumeric. Override grades will be pulled if available. |
Alternative Grade | Always blank |
- The output will be in tab-delimited format with no double quotes and with the header included.
- The output contains various tallies of the students' current year daily attendance records, and each student will have a row for the entire school year and then separate rows for each marking period.
- The output will be included with data as of today's date. For example, if marking period 2 has not started, the file will only have data for marking period 1 and the Full Year.
- Only the filters School Type, School, and Grade are applicable for this output.
- Only active students will be included.
- Records will be pulled only if the Source Year is set to the current school year. This export will be left blank if the Source Year is set to the school year.
- Tallies for the full year and tallies split by the schools' marking periods will be pulled.
Field | Logic |
School Year | Source Year in YYYY-YYYY format |
School Term | The marking period's name for marking period-specific record or "FY" for the full year record |
School Name | The attendance records' school name |
School Code | The school code of the attendance records' school |
Grade | Student's current grade level |
Student Local ID | Student's ID number |
Student State ID | Student's state ID number |
Last Name | Student's last name |
First Name | Student's first name |
Student Gender | First letter of the student's gender |
Student Race | If the student is multiracial, pull "Multiple", else pull the student's race |
Total Number of School Days Possible for Student | The number of days the student was in this school up to today's date, particularly the number of daily attendance records the student has (Present, Absent, Tardy) |
Total Number of School Days Present | The number of Present daily attendance records the student has up to today's date for this school |
Total Number of School Days Absent | The number of any Absent daily attendance records the student has up to today's date for this school |
Excused Absences | The number of Excused Absent daily attendance records the student has up to today's date for this school |
Unexcused Absences | The number of Unexcused Absent daily attendance records the student has up to today's date for this school |
Total Number of School Days Tardy | The number of any Tardy daily attendance records the student has up to today's date for this school |
Excused Tardies | The number of Excused Tardy daily attendance records the student has up to today's date for this school |
Unexcused Tardies | The number of Unexcused Tardy daily attendance records the student has up to today's date for this school |
Number of Virtual Days | The number of days the student received instruction not at school up to today's date for this school |
Attendance Achievement Level | Always blank |
- The output will be in tab-delimited format with no double quotes and with the header included.
- Current year discipline records for students that appear in the student_roster.txt output will be included.
- Records will be pulled only if the Source Year is set to the current school year. This export will be left blank if the Source Year is set to the next school year.
Field | Logic |
Incident ID | Primary key of the discipline incident. This will be repeated if a discipline incident has multiple offenders. |
School Name | School name that the discipline incident is associated to |
School Code | School code of the school that the discipline incident is associated to |
Incident Category | Discipline incidient's Incident Type |
State Reportable Incident | Output "Y" if the discipline incident is a state incident, else output "N" |
Referred By | Discipline incidient's Referred By |
Incident Location | Discipline incidient's Location |
Incident Specify Location | Discipline incidient's Location Details |
Incident Description | Discipline incidient's Incident Description. Line feeds (places where the Enter key was pressed) will be replaced with semicolons to prevent issues with the file being imported |
Incident Details | Discipline incidient's Incident Details. Line feeds (places where the Enter key was pressed) will be replaced with semicolons to prevent issues with the file being imported |
Time of Day | Discipline incidient's Time of Day |
Incident Date | Discipline incidient's Incident Date |
Incident Time | Discipline incidient's Incident Time |
Number of Student Victims | Discipline incidient's Number of Student Victims |
VADIR Alcohol Related | If the discipline incident is a state incident, display "Y" if the VADIR Details "Alcohol Related" is checked or display "N" of not. If the discipline incident is a local incident, leave blank |
VADIR Bias Related | If the discipline incident is a state incident, display "Y" if the VADIR Details "Bias Related" is checked or display "N" of not. If the discipline incident is a local incident, leave blank |
VADIR Discrimination and or Harassment | If the discipline incident is a state incident, display "Y" if the VADIR Details "Discrimination and/or Harassment" is checked or display "N" of not. If the discipline incident is a local incident, leave blank |
VADIR Drug Related | If the discipline incident is a state incident, display "Y" if the VADIR Details "Drug Related" is checked or display "N" of not. If the discipline incident is a local incident, leave blank |
VADIR Gang Related | If the discipline incident is a state incident, display "Y" if the VADIR Details "Gang Related" is checked or display "N" of not. If the discipline incident is a local incident, leave blank |
VADIR Weapon | If the discipline incident is a state incident, display "Y" if the VADIR Details "Weapon" is checked or display "N" of not. If the discipline incident is a local incident, leave blank |
Incident Involved Verbal Threat | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Incident involved verbal threat" is checked or display "N" if not |
Incident Involved Physical Contact | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Incident involved physical contact" is checked or display "N" if not |
Incident Involved Cyberbullying | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Incident involved cyberbullying" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Color | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Color" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Disability | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Disability" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Ethnic Group | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Ethnic Group" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Gender | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Gender" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA National Origin | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "National Origin" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Race | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Race" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Religion | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Religion" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Religious Practice | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Religion Practice" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Sex | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Sex" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Sexual Orientation | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Sexual Orientation" is checked or display "N" if not |
DASA Weight | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Discrimination and/or Harassment" checked, display "Y" if "Weight" is checked or display "N" if not |
Weapon Used | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Weapon" checked, display the Weapon Used |
Number of Weapons | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Weapon" checked, display the No. of Weapon Used |
Weapon Detection | If the discipline incident has the VADIR Detail "Weapon" checked, display the Weapon Detection |
Student Local ID | Offender's ID number |
Action Type | Discipline Action's Disciplinary Action Type for this offender if any. Multiple rows will be created for the same discipline incident and offender if the offender has multiple discipline actions for it |
Action Description | Discipline Action's Description for this offender if any |
Action Status | Discipline Action's Status for this offender if any |
Action Begin Date | Discipline Action's starting date for this offender if any |
Action End Date | Discipline Action's ending date for this offender if any |
Number of Days | Number of days the Disciplinary Action was in effect for this offender if any |
Action Details | Discipline Action's Action Details. Line feeds (places where the Enter key was pressed) will be replaced with semicolons to prevent issues with the file being imported |
Student Response | Discipline Action's Student Response. Line feeds (places where the Enter key was pressed) will be replaced with semicolons to prevent issues with the file being imported |
Action Authority | Discipline Action's Authority for this offender if any |