eSchoolData provides visual exposure to three separate interfaces which comprise the eSchoolData system. Each interface is geared toward specific job functions within an organization. This lesson covers the Main Interface Navigation.
To learn more about GURU Interface Navigation, click here.
To learn more about the Teacher Connect Interface Navigation, click here.
Video Walkthrough
Main Interface
- The default Homepage displays district and school announcements on the left, and system calendar events on the right.
- Select one of the circles to change the color scheme. This may be beneficial in distinguishing between production and test sites.
- A Day Code is displayed after the date when a school is currently in session.
- Select the Home icon to return to the Announcement page.
- Select the Help icon to launch the eSD Help interface.
- Use the What's New link to view current Release Highlights.
- Use the Help Center link to access online articles.
- Select tabs to download User Guides, Quick Reference, Tutorial Links, and Release Notes.
- System Administrators can select the Proxy Login icon to view the system from another user's perspective.
- Select the Logout icon to securely log out of the system.
- Select the Guruboard icon to access the GURU interface.
- Select the Teacher Connect icon to access Teacher Connect.
- Select the Mail icon to launch the email interface from the school level.
- From within the email window, search for students by name, ID number, grade, class, counselor, advisor, location, and group – or -
- Upload student IDs using a CSV file.
- Once student selections are made, choose Email Students, Email Guardians or Email Both.
Navigation within eSD consists of Main Tabs, Sub Tabs and a Side menu.
- The side menu is either in the left or right windowpane, depending on user preference.
- Use the Collapse/Expand icon to hide or expand the side menu.
- Refer to the path or “Breadcrumbs” to describe your current location within the application.
- Navigate to the page footer to view the version number.
The eSD system is permission based:
- System administrators have access to all features whereas end-users have access to role-specific features.
- Users who have access to more than one building can use the school dropdown to change buildings.
- Some features are available only at the district level whereas others are only available at the school level.
Filtering and Downloading Files
- Depending on the selected module, relevant Filters are available to narrow search results.
- Once filter selections are made, select Search to view results.
- Click on column headers to change the sort order.
- Select the Excel icon to download a file which typically contains more details than can be displayed on the screen. The ability to export into different file formats, such as Docx, XML or CSV is available on certain screens. Hover over any icon to view the associated file type.
- Select the Printer icon, to bring up a print dialogue.
- Choose the expand or collapse (+-) option to collapse the search window, leaving more room to display results on the screen.
Page Navigation Tools
- A Vertical Scroll Bar appears on the right if the results exceed the space on the page. Move the scroll bar up and down to navigate the entire page.
- Column headers will remain fixed in place while scrolling.
- Use the First Page and Last Page icons - or type a specific number - to jump directly to that page.
- Select Next or Previous Page icons to navigate one page at a time. Page Navigation Toolbars appear at both the top and bottom of the page.
Editing and Saving
- Most list pages display an Edit icon, a View icon and a Delete icon.
- A Red X denotes a record can be deleted.
- A Black X means the record is either a state reportable code or it cannot be deleted until all associated records are deleted. For example, if a Status Code is already associated with student records, it cannot be deleted until the status is first removed from all student records.
- When editing a record, the Save button displays at the top and bottom of the screen.
- Confirmation and error messages are only displayed at the top of the page.
Whenever possible, use the Save button at the top of the screen, or remember to scroll to the top of the page for confirmation.