Summer School is run in the same way as the regular Academic Year, in regard to attendance, grading, calling system, etc. However, not all Attendance Reports are available during Summer School. See Attendance Reports in the Summer School Module on for a complete list of available Attendance Reports.
Students’ schedules in the summer school building are hard-coded to display their current summer school schedule, regardless of the school year selected. This is because the student is "dual-enrolled" in the summer school building only while summer school is running. In-district students do not appear on the Student Profile List in the summer school building once Summer School Closeout is run.
Staff schedules in the summer school building are also hard-coded to display the current summer school schedule when summer school is running, regardless of the school year selected. This is because the academic year has not yet been advanced (bit flip) and the summer school courses are always associated to the school year that starts 07/01/xx.
Once Summer School Closeout has run and the bit flip has occurred, Staff > Staff Schedule Roster will display appropriate staff schedules for each selected Scheduling Year.