After students are enrolled in Summer School, they can be scheduled into classes en masse, using Mass Class Assignment, or individually, using the Student Add/Drop feature. The Student Add/Drop feature is useful for secondary in-district students and after registering out-of-district students. This lesson guides users through scheduling students with the Add/Drop feature for Summer School.
Where to Start
- Go to Student.
- Select Student Profile.
- Use filters as needed and select Search.
- Select the yellow + for the desired student to open the Add/Drop menu.
- The Student Add/Drop Classes screen will display any currently scheduled classes in the "Click on
the Classes that you wish to drop section". - Select the + to expand the section to see the Add/Drop history.
- Use the filters to find a specific class. Select Search to view available classes.
- Use the Checkbox to select a class.
- Select Add.
- The selected class(es) appears in the work area.
- After all needed classes have been chosen, select Save. Upon clicking Save, users will be prompted if a class being added will conflict with the student's existing schedule and the course(s) in conflict will be highlighted in orange. If users click OK to proceed with the Add, the Partial Schedule window will automatically open. When multiple classes are added in conflict, the Partial Schedule window will open for each corresponding class in sequential order.
A dropped class will appear in the work area in red.