After students are enrolled in Summer School, they can be scheduled into classes en masse, using Mass Class Assignment or individually, using the Student Add/Drop feature. Mass Class Assignment is typically used for in-district students, particularly at the elementary level. This lesson guides users through using Mass Class Assignment for Summer School.
Where to Start
- Go to Scheduling.
- Select Scheduling.
- Mass Class Assignment in open by default.
- Be sure the Summer School is selected in the dropdown menu.
Select Class
- Mass Class Assignment is selected by default.
- Select the School Year and As Of Date when the Mass Class Assignment is to be effective.
- Filter for Subject Area, Staff, or Course Number as needed. Then select Search.
- Choose a Course from the menu.
- Choose a Section, then select Add Class. All chosen classes appear in the Add Classes menu. Repeat as needed to add additional classes.
- Select Next to continue.
Select Students
- From the Incoming Schools dropdown, select the school in which the students are registered.
- Select any other desired filters and select Search.
- A list of students registered in that school will appear in the Source Students field. Select the students’ names to move them from the Source Students field to the Selected Students field.
- Select Next to continue.
Student names in red have already been assigned to the selected class.
Mass Update
- Select Submit to complete Mass Class Assignment.
After selecting Submit, select Restart to begin another Mass Class Assignment. If Restart is clicked instead of Submit, the Mass Class Assignment is cancelled.