Business Rules
Staff Demographics
Available filters are: School Type, School
If the School filter is not used, district-wide staff will be included in the output
Field Name | eSD Business Rules |
ReferenceCode | Staff's ID number |
FirstName | Staff's first name |
LastName | Staff's last name |
Gender | First letter of the staff's Gender |
HomePhone | Pull one of the staff's Home Phone or Home Cell numbers, preferring the Home Phone over the Home Cell and then by the order they were created |
WorkPhone | Pull one of the staff's Work Phone or Work Cell numbers, preferring the Work Phone over the Work Cell and then by the order they were created |
MobilePhone | Pull one of the staff's Cell Phone, Work Cell or Home Cell numbers, preferring the Cell Phone over the Work Cell and that over the Home Cell and then by the order they were created |
EmailAddress | Staff's email address |
HomeAddress | Staff's street number and street name |
HomeCity | Staff's city |
HomeState | Staff's state abbreviation if the district is in Pennsylvania, else the staff's state fully spelled out |
HomeZip | Staff's 5 digit zip code |
ContactType | If the staff has the staff type "Teacher" then send "Faculty", else send "Staff" |
Institution | Staff's district name if the staff is district-wide or the staff's school if the staff is building-specific |
Student Demographics
Available options are: Include non-Custodial Parents, Use Home Phone instead of Mobile Phone for Attendance Phone, Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns
Available filters are: School Type, School
- The zap determines students' primary contacts and secondary contacts with the following logic:
Get all the student's guardians with the correspondence flag on, and the custodial flag on if the Include non-Custodial Parents option is off or regardless of the custodial flag if the Include non-Custodial Parents option is on. - Sort the guardians by their contact priority to the student. Treat the guardian as having a contact priority of 100 if they have no contact priority or have a contact priority of 0. If there are guardians with tied contact priorities, the tied "Mother" guardian will be ahead, then the tied "Father" guardian, and then all other guardians afterwards.
- The first sorted guardian will be pulled as the Primary Contact and the second sorted guardian will be pulled as the Secondary Contact.
Field Name | eSD Business Rules |
Reference Code | Student's ID number |
First Name | Student's first name |
Last Name | Student's last name |
Grade | Student's current grade |
Student's email address | |
Language | If the student's household has the Translation Required flag on, pull the household's language, else pull "English" |
Gender | First letter of the student's Gender |
Contact Type | Display "Students" |
Home Phone | 1. If the student has no guardians eligible for the output, pull the student's household phone 2. If the student has a primary contact and the primary contact has no home phone or home cell, pull the student's household phone 3. Else pull the student's primary contact's first home phone or home cell by their phone priority. Blank phone priorities will be considered to be a phone priority of 100 |
Work Phone | Pull the student's primary contact's first work phone or work cell by their phone priority. Blank phone priorities will be considered to be a phone priority of 100 |
Mobile Phone | Pull the student's primary contact's first cell phone by their phone priority. Blank phone priorities will be considered to be a phone priority of 100 |
Home Phone Alt | 1. If the student has a secondary contact, the secondary contact has no home phone or home cell and the secondary contact is residing in the household, use the student's household phone 2. Else pull the secondary contact's home phone or home cell if available |
Work Phone Alt | Pull the student's secondary contact's first work phone or work cell by their phone priority. Blank phone priorities will be considered to be a phone priority of 100 |
Mobile Phone Alt | Pull the student's secondary contact's first cell phone or home cell by their phone priority. Blank phone priorities will be considered to be a phone priority of 100 |
Primary Phone | Pull the student's primary contact's first home phone or home phone by their phone priority. Blank phone priorities will be considered to be a phone priority of 100 |
Additional Phone | Pull the secondary contact's home phone or home cell if available |
Attendance Phone | 1. If the student's primary contact has a phone number with the Attendance flag on and that phone number has the first phone priority of all of the primary contact's other phone numbers of the same phone type, pull that phone number 2. If the student's secondary contact has a phone number with the Attendance flag on and that phone number has the first phone priority of all of the secondary contact's other phone numbers of the same phone type, pull that phone number 3. If the "Use Home Phone instead of Mobile Phone for Attendance Phone" flag is off, pull the student's primary contact's first cell phone by phone priority 4. If the "Use Home Phone instead of Mobile Phone for Attendance Phone" flag is on, pull the student's primary contact's first home phone or home cell by their phone priority |
Parent Names | Primary contact's and secondary contact's first and last name, in the format "(primary contact first name) (primary contact last name) & (secondary contact first name) (secondary contact last name)". If no secondary contact was pulled for the student, just pull the primary contact's first and last name. |
Home Address | 1. If student's household's residence street number is not "0", pull the student's household's residence street number, street suffix, street name and apartment in the format "(Street Number)-(Street Suffix) (Street Name) (Apartment)" or "(Street Number) (Street Name) (Apartment)". Ex. "123 Main Street 4", "111-B Knickerbocker Ave" 2. If the student's household's residence street number is "0", pull only the student's household's residence street name and apartment in the format "(Street Name) (Apartment)". Ex. "Main Street 4", "Knickerbocker Ave" |
Home City | Student's household's residence city |
Home State | Student's household's residence state in abbreviated format |
Home Zip | Student's household's residence 5 digit zip |
Email Address | 1. If the "Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns" flag is off, pull all the primary contact's emails in this one field with each email separated by a semicolon ( ; ). 2. If the "Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns" flag is on, pull one of the primary contact's emails, preferring emails having the Primary Email flag on or the first entered email if there are no emails with the Primary Email flag on |
Email Address Alt | 1. If the "Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns" flag is off, pull all the secondary contact's emails in this one field with each email separated by a semicolon ( ; ). 2. If the "Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns" flag is on, pull one of the secondary contact's emails, preferring emails having the Primary Email flag on or the first entered email if there are no emails with the Primary Email flag on |
Terminate | Left blank |
Institution | The full name of the student's current school |
Group | This field intentionally has the same header name "Group" as the other 5 columns because Blackboard Connect needs it that way. Pull one of the student's AM Bus Route. |
Group | This field intentionally has the same header name "Group" as the other 5 columns because Blackboard Connect needs it that way. Pull one of the student's PM Bus Route. |
Group | This field intentionally has the same header name "Group" as the other 5 columns because Blackboard Connect needs it that way. Pull the student's homeroom. |
Group | This field intentionally has the same header name "Group" as the other 5 columns because Blackboard Connect needs it that way. Pull the student's advisor in "(first name) (last name)" format. |
Group | This field intentionally has the same header name "Group" as the other 5 columns because Blackboard Connect needs it that way. Pull the student's counselor in "(first name) (last name)" format. |
Group | This field intentionally has the same header name "Group" as the other 5 columns because Blackboard Connect needs it that way. Pull "Sports" if the student is in a student group exactly spelled "Sports" in eSD. |
SMS Phone | Pull one of the student's primary contact's cell phone, work cell or home cell if it has the Attendance flag on if they have one, else pull one of the student's secondary contact's cell phone, work cell or home cell if it has the Attendance flag on. If no flag is set, this will be left blank. |
SMS Phone 2 | Pull one of the student's secondary contact's cell phone, work cell or home cell if it has the Attendance flag on and the SMS Phone field pulls the student's primary contact's phone number. If no flag is set or one of the secondary contact's phone numbers was used for the SMS Phone field, this will be left blank. |
Student Cell | Student's cell phone |
Email Address 2 | 1. If the "Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns" flag is off, leave this field blank. 2. If the "Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns" flag is on, pull the primary contact's second email. |
Email Address Alt 2 | 1. If the "Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns" flag is off, leave this field blank. 2. If the "Provide Single Email for each Parent in Separate Columns" flag is on, pull the secondary contact's second email. |
Student Language | Student's language |
Refresh Group | Pull one of the student's current student status that has a color assigned to it in eSD (for example, learning codes used for indicating remote learning) |