The STAR Renaissance Zap includes student, staff, section, roster, demographic, and status data so that districts can easily provision accounts and classes within the Renaissance family of products. The Zap can be configured to extract this information on a scheduled basis, ensuring that your data remains synchronized between the two products.
Business Rules
Single School File Student Characteristics
The file will be exported as "SingleSchoolFileTemplate.csv"
Regular filters available are School, Grade, and Subject
Options available for this specific Zap are "Do Not Include Teachers" and "Include Non-Teacher Staff"
This export will pull every combination of related students, staff and classes into one record whenever it can. The following types of records will be pulled:
- Students Only
- Personnel Only
- Students & Classes
- Teachers (Personnel) & Classes
- Students & Teachers (Personnel) & Classes
If the "Do not Include Teachers" option is off, records with students, their classes, and the classes' teachers will be included with all three information type fields filled in.
If the "Do Not Include Teachers" option is on, records with only students and their classes will be included. The Student and Class fields will be filled in and teachers are left out entirely.
Remaining students who are not enrolled in a classes will then be included with only the Student fields filled in and the Personnel and Class fields left blank
If the "Do not Include Teachers" option is off, remaining classes that do not have students enrolled will then be included as records with the Personnel and Class fields filled in and the Student fields left blank.
If the "Do not Include Teachers" option is off, any other staff with the "Teacher" position but not assigned to a class will be included as records with just the Personnel fields filled in.
If the "Include Non-Teacher Staff" option is on, any other staff considered to have the School Level Administrator or School Staff position will be included as records with just the Personnel fields filled in.
The export is meant to contain only information for one school. The export file does not contain any information about the school itself.
- Multiple Zaps must be created for each school to export and then setting the School filter to one school for each of the Zaps.
- Including multiple schools in the export will cause Renaissance to import the records into a single building on their end.
Information Type | Header Codes | Data Type | Required? | Maximum Length | Format | Comment or Codes (if used) | eSD Business Rules |
Student | SID | ID | No* | 20 | character or numeric | If this is not in the file, the user name is used; if that ID is already taken, a number is added to the user name to make a unique ID. *Not required but recommended. | Student's ID number |
Student | SSTATEID | Student State ID | No* | 50 | character or numeric | * Highly recommended. May be required if you share data with your state | Student's State ID |
Student | SFIRST | First Name | Yes | 35 | character | -- | Student's first name |
Student | SMIDDLE | Middle Name | No | 35 | character | -- | Student's middle name |
Student | SLAST | Last Name | Yes | 35 | character | -- | Student's last name |
Student | SGRADE | Grade | No* (*required for Star tests, helpful for Renaissance Analytics) | 5 | character or numeric | See Grades tab | See Grades tab |
Student | SGENDER | Gender | No* (*helpful for Renaissance Analytics) | 1 | character | M - Male F - Female U - Unassigned |
1. If the student has an Identified Gender set, a. If it is set to X, send U b. If it is set to Male, send M c. If it is set to Female, send F 2. If the student has no Identified Gender set, pull from the student's Gender: a. If it is set to X, send U b. If it is set to Male, send M c. If it is set to Female, send F |
Student | SBIRTHDAY | Birth Date | No | 10 | mm/dd/yyyy | -- | Student's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format |
Student | SRACE | Ethnicity | No* (*helpful for Renaissance Analytics) | 1 | character | See Ethnicity tab | Send one code as per the Ethnicity tab. |
Student | SLANGUAGE | Language | No | 3 | character | See Language tab | See Language tab |
Student | SCHARACTERISTICS | Characteristics | No* (*blue items to the right help for for Renaissance Analytics reporting) | 755 | dash (-) separated character string | See Characteristics tab | See Characteristics tab. Students having multiple applicable characteristics will have each code pulled separated by hyphens (ex. ADA-FL-PD) |
Student | SUSERNAME | User Name | No* | 50 | character or numeric | If this is not in the file, a user name is generated using the student’s first initial and the first four letters of the last name (e.g., jsmit for Jane Smith). If that user name is already used, a number is added (e.g. jsmit2). *Not required but recommended. Student user name can’t be the same as the student password. | Student's Integration ID |
Student | SPASSWORD | Password | No* | 20 | case-sensitive character or numeric** | If passwords are not in the file, all students will be given the same default password: abc. *Not required but recommended. ** Renaissance student password requirements: 2-character minimum, uppercase, lowercase, number, special character (!#$%-_=+<>*). Student password cannot be exactly the same as the student user name or it will need to be changed when the student is edited. | Left blank |
Personnel | TID | ID | No | 20 | character or numeric | If this is not in the file, the person’s user name is used for the ID. | Staff's primary key (no logic with cross building assignments are involved) |
Personnel | TSTATEID | Personnel State ID | No* | 50 | character or numeric | * Highly recommended. May be required if you share data with your state. | Staff's State ID |
Personnel | TFIRST | First Name | Yes | 35 | character | Required only if personnel information is included. | Staff's first name |
Personnel | TMIDDLE | Middle Name | No | 35 | character | -- | Staff's middle name |
Personnel | TLAST | Last Name | Yes | 35 | character | Required only if personnel information is included. | Staff's last name |
Personnel | TEMAIL | Email Address | Yes | 255 | character or numeric | Required only if personnel information is included. Teacher emails must be unique for each user on the site | Staff's email address |
Personnel | TGENDER | Gender | No | 1 | character | M - Male F - Female U - Unassigned |
Staff's gender, "F" if female, "M" if male, "U" if unknown or other gender |
Personnel | TPOSITION | Position | No | 1 | character or numeric | T - Teacher P - School Level Administrator (such as Principal) S - School Staff |
1. If the staff being pulled has a staff type with "Principal" or "Administrator" in it or are specifically "Dean", "Department Head" or "Deparment Chair", send "P" 2. If the staff does not fit in the above criteria and has a staff type with "Teacher" in it, send "T" 3. For staff that do not fit in the above 2 criteria, send "S" |
Personnel | TUSERNAME | User Name | No | 50 | character or numeric | If this is not in the file, a user name is automatically generated using the person’s first initial and entire last name (e.g., rjones for Robert Jones). If that user name is already used, a number is added (e.g. rjones2 for Rita Jones). Personnel user name cannot be exactly the same as the personnel password. | Staff's Integration ID |
Personnel | TPASSWORD | Password | No | 20 | case-sensitive character or numeric (at least one number is required in staff passwords) | If passwords are not in the file, personnel members use their user name as the password when they log in to Renaissance software. | Left blank |
Class | COURSEID | ID | No | 256 | character or numeric | Enrolled class's course's primary key. No dual-enrollment classes taken in buildings other than the one specified in the school filter will be included. | |
Class | COURSE | Course Name | Yes | 100 | character or numeric | Required only if class and course information is included. | Course number and course name in the format "(course number) - (course name)" |
Class | CLASSID | ID | No | 256 | character or numeric | Enrolled class's primary key | |
Class | CLASS | Class Name or Section Number | Yes | 50 | character or numeric | Required only if class and course information is included. | Enrolled class's section |
Class | SUBJECT | Subject | No | 6 | character | See Subjects tab | Left blank (each district can have their own set of subjects so it would not be possible to map Renaissance's subjects to the district's subjects) |
Renaissance Code | Renaissance Description | eSD NY Grades | eSD PA Grades |
Pre-K | Pre-Kindergarten | PK, PKA, PKF, PKH, PKP | PKA, PKF, PKP |
K | Kindergarten | K, KA, KH, KP | K4A, K4F, K4P, K5A,K5F, K5P |
1 | Grade 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | Grade 2 | 2 | 2 |
3 | Grade 3 | 3 | 3 |
4 | Grade 4 | 4 | 4 |
5 | Grade 5 | 5 | 5 |
6 | Grade 6 | 6 | 6 |
7 | Grade 7 | 7 | 7 |
8 | Grade 8 | 8 | 8 |
9 | Grade 9 | 9 | 9 |
10 | Grade 10 | 10 | 10 |
11 | Grade 11 | 11 | 11 |
12 | Grade 12 | 12 | 12 |
12+ | Greater than 12 | N/A | AAP |
Other | Other | Any other grade level | Any other grade level |
Renaissance Code | Renaissance Description | eSD NY Logic | eSD PA Logic |
I | American Indian or Alaskan Native | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is American Indian/Alaska Native | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is American Indian/Alaskan Native |
A | Asian | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is Asian | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is Asian |
B | Black | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is Black/African American | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is Black or African American |
H | Hispanic | Pull this code if student is Hispanic regardless of set race | Pull this code if student is Hispanic regardless of set race |
M | Mixed | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is Multiracial | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is Multiracial |
P | Hawaiian or Pacific Islander | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander |
C | White | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is White | Pull this code if student is not Hispanic and race is White |
None Specified (blank) | Not appliable as Race is required in eSD | Not appliable as Race is required in eSD |
Renaissance Code | Renaissance Description | eSD NY Language(s) | eSD PA Language(s) |
ARA | Arabic | Arabic | Arabic |
CAN | Chinese: Cantonese | N/A | Chinese (Yue/Cantonese) |
MND | Chinese: Mandarin | Mandarin, "Chinese, Mandarin" | Chinese (Mandarin) |
CHI | Chinese: Unspecified | Chinese, Chinese (simplified) | Chinese, Chinese (Hakka) |
ENG | English | English |
English, English (Barbados), English (Guayana), English (Jamaican) |
FRE | French | French | French |
GER | German | German | German |
GUJ | Gujarati | Gujarati | Gujarati |
CRP | Haitian Creole | Haitian Creole | Haitian Creole |
HMG | Hmong | Hmong | Hmong |
JPN | Japanese | Japanese | Japanese |
CAM | Khmer | Khmer | Khmer |
KOR | Korean | Korean | Korean |
LAO | Lao | Lao | Lao |
MAY | Malay | Malay | Malay |
NAV | Navajo | Navajo | Navajo |
OTH | Other | (any other language) | (any other language) |
POL | Polish | Polish | Polish |
POR | Portuguese | Portuguese | Portuguese |
RUS | Russian | Russian | Russian |
SCC | Serbo-Croatian | Serbo Croatian | Serbo Croatian |
SOM | Somali | Somali | Somali |
SPA | Spanish | Spanish | Spanish |
TAG | Tagalog or Filipino | Filipino, Tagalog | Filipino, Tagalog |
URD | Urdu | Urdu | Urdu |
VIE | Vietnamese | Vietnamese | Vietnamese |
None Specified (blank) | N/A | N/A |
Renaissance Code | Renaissance Description | PA eSD Code | PA eSD Description | PA eSD Module |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities (ADA) | ADA, 504 | Qualifies under Americans with Disabilities Act, 504 Student | Student Status |
AR | At-Risk Students | N/A | N/A | N/A |
BIL | Bilingual Education | BILING | Bilingual Program | Student Status |
DL | Dyslexic | N/A | N/A | N/A |
ESL | English as a Second Language (ESL) | ELL, ELLIFE | Current ELL, Current EL, LIFE (limited or interrupted formal education) | Student Status |
FL | Free Lunch | 5817, 1 | Direct Certification, Free Meal | Meal Status |
GT | Gifted/Talented | GIEP, GX, GS | Student has Gifted IEP, "Gifted, not receiving gifted services", "Gifted, receiving gifted services through IEP" |
Student Status |
LD | Learning Disabled | 2121, 2124, 2128, 2130 | Autistic/Autism Primary, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury | Special Education |
LEP | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) | ELL, ELLIFE | Current ELL, Current EL, LIFE (limited or interrupted formal education) | Student Status |
MG | Migrant | MIGRANT | Migrant Student | Student Status |
NA | Non-Resident Alien | N/A | N/A | N/A |
PD | Physically Disabled | 2122, 2123, 2126, 2131 | Deaf-Blindness, Hearing Impairment Including Deafness, Orthopedic Impairment, Visual Impairment Including Blindness | Special Education |
RL | Reduced-Price Lunch Program | 2 | Reduced Meal | Meal Status |
SE | Special Education | IEP | Student has IEP | Student Status |
T1 | Title 1 | TITLE1A | Title I Part A participant | Student Status |
Renaissance Code | Renaissance Description | NY eSD Code | NY eSD Description | NY eSD Module |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities (ADA) | N/A | N/A | N/A |
AR | At-Risk Students | N/A | N/A | N/A |
BIL | Bilingual Education | 5676 | Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Program | Program Services |
DL | Dyslexic | N/A | N/A | N/A |
ESL | English as a Second Language (ESL) | 5709 | English as a New Language | Program Services |
FL | Free Lunch | 5817 | All Free Meal and Direct Certification statuses | Meal Status |
GT | Gifted/Talented | N/A | N/A | N/A |
LD | Learning Disabled | 0385 | Learning Disability | Special Education |
LEP | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) | 0231 | ELL Eligible | Student Status |
MG | Migrant | 0330 | Migrant (NCLB) | Student Status |
NA | Non-Resident Alien | N/A | N/A | N/A |
PD | Physically Disabled | N/A | N/A | N/A |
RL | Reduced-Price Lunch Program | 5806 | Reduced Meal | Meal Status |
SE | Special Education | SE | Special Education | Special Education |
T1 | Title 1 |
0869,0814,0858,0891, 0286,0411,5764,0330, 0187,8327,0803,0825, 0836,0880,0847,0892 |
(Refer to front-end or back-end for detailed descriptions) | Funding Source |